Alumni Update Email

Thursday, October 27, 2022

KSTUAA Works to Return Composites to the Chapter House

Over the decades, all but four of the composites were stolen or damaged beyond repair by flooding in the basement of the Stone House at 404 E. Withrow St. Calls were made to the original vendors to determine what archives existed to determine if replica’s could be made, but unfortunately none of the vendors had preserved any of the archives.

So a project spearheaded by KSTUAA Secretary, Brother Craig Stichtenoth ’72 and Wes Bren ’85 seeks to create replicas using miniature composites. The plan is to leverage the small composites and photographically enlarge them slightly before printing on a durable acrylic or aluminum. These replicas will then be installed in the hallways of the Show Box at 406 E. Withrow to spruce up the bare walls and add a sense of tradition and history like the original composites did.

The goal is install a replica of every composite. Thanks to the help of Brothers Bill Weirough, Doug Buse, John Jahoda, John Wilson, Norm Witzler, Mark Morgan,  Brad Mikes, Wes Bren, Larry Rosinski, Timothy Storer and Robert Dittrich we have 29 replicas in good condition.

We are needing alumni to help us secure the missing miniature composites for the following years:
1971, 1972, 1973,
1996, 1997, 1999,
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011-2012 

If you have one of these missing years, please email us immediately so we can share how you can help us complete the set. We would like to have these installed before Rush starts in February 2023.

January 1 Update: We have collected 28 miniatures of what we believe are the 45 composites that were created from 1968-2015. 

They are at a printers where they are being retouched and printed at 28" x 18" with an 1/4" acrylic front and pvc back. The plan is to have these installed before rush.  Each will cost about $250 to be fabricated and installed.  

KSTUAA requests Alumni to make donations to help cover this.  Donations can be made via Paypal or otehr methods. See instructions on the donations page
KSTUAA would like to thank Board Member, Chris Elder IC'84 who made a significant contribution to help cover the initial deposit needed to get the vendor started!  

Theta-Upsilon Hall of Fame Nominations needed by December 15

KSTUAA is seeking your input about alumni who should be recognized for their professional accomplishments, contributions to society or service to our Fraternity.  

If you know of an alumnus we should consider for this honor please fill in this nomination form before December 15, 2022

We inducted three Kappa Sigs into our Hall of Fame during the 55th Anniversary celebration You can see who else has been inducted into the Hall of Fame using the link on the right.  

With our Chapter back on campus, we will begin the new annual induction process we announced last year.  

The HOF Nominating Committee including the Chapter’s Alumni Relations Chairmen will gather information about each nominee and submit a ballot to the HOF inductees for their vote.  The induction will be held during Homecoming Weekend in years when we are not celebrating a 5 year reunion. Alumni that have been previously nominated but have not yet been inducted remain in the list for future votes.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Theta-Upsilon wins Kappa Sigma Awards

Pictured above standing: Wes Bren '85, former Alumnus Advisor, now District Grand Master; Tanner Thompson '22; Emmett Jones '22, Grand Master; Quinn Sippola '22, former Grand Master and worked as an intern at HQ, Daniel Tierney, Worthy Grand Scribe; Fernando Romero '22, Grand Procurator; Ryan Heuser '22. Front row: Parker Fromin '22; Karim Sammouri '22. Not pictured here: Hunter Arthurs '22, a 2021 graduate now working as an Area Recruitment Manager. 

Chapter wins FACE for first time since 1997

The Theta-Upsilon Chapter was one of just two chapters chartered in the last year to win the "First-Year Founders Award for Chapter Excellence (FACE)."  Eight members and the former chapter advisor traveled to Denver Colorado on July 30 to receive the award at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Leadership Conference.  The FACE award recognizes chapters for excellence in Service, Scholarship, Ritual Proficiency, Recruiting and Chapter Operations.  This is the first FACE Award the Chapter has achieved since 1997

In addition to the Chapter award the several individual awards were announced.        

Outstanding Grand Procurator Award

Brother Fernando Romero '22 who was the second member of the interest group and colony and who is serving his second term as Grand Procurator received an award for Outstanding Grand Procurator. In further evidence of Brother Romero's commitment to excellence he completed his third Ritual Proficiency test (Grand Master's portion of initiation) while at the conference.

Outstanding Alumnus Advisor Award

Brother Bren '85 who is now serving as the District Grand Master of Southern Ohio received an award for Outstanding Alumnus Advisor. Brother Bren was named the Outstanding Assistant District Grand Master of the Year last year at the Grand Conclave in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Outstanding Assistant Alumnus Advisor Award

Brother Garett Reinhart, a Nu-Psi Chapter founding member initiated in 2017 who also served as Grand Treasurer and Grand Master at Nu-Psi Chapter before graduating in 2021 received an award for Outstanding Assistant Alumnus Advisor. Brother Reinhardt is currently serving the Theta-Upsilon Chapter as the Alumnus Advisor after serving last academic year as the AAA-GT.  

Pictured: Brother Reinhart with Kappa Sigma Fraternity Executive Director, Brother Mic Wilson at the 2019 Grand Conclave in Charlottesville, Virginia as part of the 150th Anniversary Celebration.


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Chapter kicks off 3rd Annual Run & Ride to benefit the Oxford Free Clinic

The undergraduate members of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter are kicking off the first week of the Fall Semester with a major statement aligned with Kappa Sigma's Service Pillar and are seeking the help of alumni to make sure they reach their fundraising goal!  

Now in its third year the Worldwide Run & Ride benefits Oxford residents served by the Oxford Free Clinic who provides medical care and medicine for those that can't afford it. 

The annual event began in the Summer of 2020 as a COVID compliant philanthropy event with a handful of Interest Group members and members from several other Kappa Sigma Chapters in Southern Ohio. Participants pledged to ride bikes, walk or run and most importantly gather donations!

Because one of the organizers, Fernando Romero, who now services as the Chapter's Grand Procurator (vice president) was at home in Spain when the event took place, the group added "Worldwide" to describe the event. The event raised over $1,600 in its first year!  

Last summer with the Kappa Sigma colony of 29 members the event remained dispersed worldwide with a members participating all over the US and Europe including one running in the cooler temperatures of early morning in Greece! The 2021 event raised almost $6,000 showing real potential to make a major contribution to the community.       

"In the past, we have held this event virtually towards the end of the summer because of COVID concerns," said the Chapter's A Greater Cause Chairman, Charles "Chuck" Smith, a senior studying Biology and Pre-Medicine at Miami University.   

"This year is the first year we will be holding the event in person. We are looking forward to not only being with our fraternity brothers for the Run/Ride, but also celebrating with OFC volunteers, staff, and others from the community that support the OFC after the Run/Ride at the Chapter House!"

In addition to his studies, Chuck works at Oxford Priority Care as a Medical Assistant, and is a Combat Medic in the Ohio Army National Guard. He has also volunteered as a volunteer firefighter/EMT, the Salvation Army, and helping a a homeless shelter in his hometown of Monticello, Illinois. After graduation, he plans on taking a year off and then applying to Medical School. 

A key goal of the event is to raise as much money from outside of the Oxford community where Miami University is located. Chapter Grand Master (president), Emmett Jones has said that the Chapter hopes to really distinguish itself on campus and within the Greek System at Miami through service to the local community and in general and hopes to recruit additional members that share these values.  

"We have set a goal of $300 per brother this year, which would put us well above a $10,000 total donation," Chuck said, "This would constitute a large percentage of the total donations they receive per year." 

"Marilyn Sasser, Executive Director of the OFC really impressed me with the passion she shows for what she does," Chuck said, "I personally have interacted with many nonprofits and some of them don’t care as deeply about the cause as deeply as does Marilyn. She is the only paid employee (part-time) of the OFC... but she puts in full-time levels of work to ensure the clinic runs smoothly." 

To reach their fundraising goals, the A Greater Cause Committee is hoping many alumni will join the Chapter in this effort and make a contribution. Donations can be made on the GoFundMe website and attribute the donations to specific undergraduate to help with his goal of $300.  

This will be just the start of the semester's efforts. The Chapter will also be organizing a way to recognize Frist Responders on September 11 and beginning to plan an event for the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes Campaign likely to occur later in the Fall Semester. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Calling for additional alumni to be an Alumni Docent

Most undergraduate members hear about the huge number of Kappa Sigma alumni that exist and wish they could tap it for their advantage as they start their post-college life. Unfortunately, that almost never happens, mostly because there is not an easy way to match interest with experience. 

do·cent /ˈdōsәnt/ noun:

1. (in certain universities and colleges) a member of the teaching staff immediately below professorial rank. 
2. a person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, in a museum, art gallery, or zoo.

In a 2021 survey, the undergraduate members were asked what aspects of Kappa Sigma were of most interest to them and the number one highest rated answer with 91% rating it “High priority for me” was “Professional/Alumni Networking.”

The "Alumni Docent" program administered by the KSTUAA Chapter Advisory Council (CAC) in what might be the first of its kind, changes this for our undergraduate members at Miami University. 

The program matches a pledged member with an alumnus from a similar major, in a profession of interest or locality where possible. Both the undergraduate and alumnus will be given each other's contact information and some initial profile information to help break the ice.  The undergraduate member schedules an initial phone conversation.  The alumnus will share whatever insight they can and if possible help the undergraduate network with other professionals in the area of interest.

We have had 90 Alumni sign up when we first announced the program in 2021 and are seeking to double that amount in order to cover more professions and provide the opportunity for more alumni to engage in this exciting new program.

Alumni, please sign up here:


Is this an “Alumni Big Brother” Program?

Not exactly, but there are some similarities. We purposefully don’t want to confuse the two programs. The focus of this program is on “career-interest networking.” While we hope this promotes friendly fraternal bonds that last a lifetime, the focus is connecting undergraduates with alumni from the same major or career interest to help them as they investigate and start their professional careers.

How much time are you expecting from Alumni?

Just a phone call to start. You’ll get introduced, learn a little bit about each other and if you have some connections or ideas about what might be helpful to him and his professional objectives share those. We’d love to see the alumni reach out once a year to check in, but that isn’t mandatory. Maybe you will have some additional ideas or contacts that would be helpful. We are sure he will appreciate you helping him with introductions to other people in the field of interest.

Can I introduce the undergraduate to non-Kappa Sigs in his field of interest?

Yes!!!!!!!!!!! That is exactly what this is about! Networking! It starts with a Theta-Upsilon Alumnus that is willing to get to know the undergraduate a little bit, understand his interests and goals and then being a helpful brother and providing ideas and warm introductions to contacts you have. Maybe that is another Kappa Sig, but more likely it will be someone in your list of 100s of contacts you’ve made over time. It will be up to the undergraduate to pursue the connections from there. The Docent program gives our members an initial helping hand.

How do we get connected and will I get some information about the member beforehand?

A member of the CAC will send you a profile of the member (pledge member actually) you have been matched to. Ideally it will include a photo and information like hometown and interests. We will be providing your information to him too so you will both have a head start on the conversation. We will ask the member to reach out to you and schedule a time to speak.

What if he changes majors or his interests really aren’t in my wheelhouse?

We will be attempting to match undergraduate interests to alumni that have or are working in the field of interest. Failing that we will try to match undergraduates based on majors. In some, circumstances there wont be a good match, for example some majors and professions are new. In those cases, we are likely to match based on hometown if we can. The success of this program will not be about finding an exact match but rather a young inexperience member coming in to contact with an alumnus that might have 20 years of experience and that knows of people that the undergraduate might benefit from meeting. It might be a friend of a friend that brings the real valuable connection that helps the member. We are seeking to just encourage a start.

What does the alumnus get out of this?

We hope that you will find the opportunity to meet a new generation of Kappa Sigs enriches your own Kappa Sigma experience and adds credence to the idea that our fellowship is not for a college term only but for life. We hope that the interaction might prompt in person connections when you visit Oxford whether for Homecoming, our 5-year anniversaries or one of those trips just-passing-through. This investment in the next generation will continue our legacy and make the Chapter stronger.

I signed up before but haven't been matched?

This is normal. We will assign undergraduates based on whatever comes through as interests.  That can be random. We are glad you signed up and will reach out to you as soon as we have someone interested in your profession, industry or major.   

Who has signed up so far?

We have alumni from 1967 through to 2016 so far! But we are looking for twice as many to make the matching easier!  Please sign-up now 

Christopher Collins
Bob Coons
Tom Wenning

Gary Olmon

Rick Kennedy

Craig Stichtenoth
Elias David Vuicich

John Jahoda

Joel Benson
Mark Cross
Louis Isakoff
Jim Lewis
William (Bill) Nicolai

John Wilson

David Ciochetty

Jeff Van Treese

John Cassanos
Jay Cavender
Dyke Davies Mort

David Brinkman
Chris Hanessian

Terry Maggard
Brad Mikes
James C. Puccio

Mark Gates
Peter Kanistros
Carter Ledbetter
David Mirolli
Mark Rowland
Charlie Wonderlic

David Chambers

Ed Bennett
Wes Bren
Troy Davis
Chris Elder
John Henry
Rick Sippola

Doug Baker
Dave Bouve
Jeff Brown
Matthew Garvic
Mike McNally
Rob Miller
Scott Richardson
Larry Rosinski
Michael Schoedinger

David Buckley
Mark J Heppner
Ed Kessler
Mark Loisel
Jeffrey Meek
James Rimmel
Thomas Sarty
Steve Siple
Matthew Smith
Nathan Varnum
Lane Williams

Jeffrey B Anderson
Joseph Bial
Frazer Donaldson
Mark W Eckman
Craig Izzo
John McCarley
Eric Peiffer
Matt Weaver

Jeff Aluotto
David Batch
Jeff Bieber
Chris Broome
Barrett East
Chad Hague
Patrick Reedy
Kyle Sisk

Greg Adler
Preston Belding
Erik Christman
Jim Eglseder

Michael Darkoch
Brian Eckman
Chris Ferritto
Tyge Fourtner
Tim Moerschel
Brian Olah
Patrick Surdy

Tom Clarke
Colin Donovan
Christian Essman
Chad D Gibson
Shawn Isham
Chuck Smolky
Chris Veneklasen
Robb Warren
Steve Wolgemuth

Michael Duffy
Jeff Kotalik
Andrew Zuchowski

Jason Kimmel
Brad Vornholt

Chris O'Brien

Dace de la Foret

Nick Griffith

George Charles
Evan Hogenkamp
Greg McCarthy

Wes Atkinson

Thursday, June 30, 2022

55th Anniversary Brings 200 Kappa Sigmas together for an Amazing Weekend in Oxford!!


As those that attended the weekend know, the 55th Anniversary Celebration was the biggest and most fun reunion in our history! 

Brothers returned from over 20 states and Europe and from as far away as Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maryland and Connecticut!  Some Brothers returned for the first time in over 35, 45 and 55 years! There were several last minute surprises with attendees! 
It also featured the return of six Founding members and two from the first pledge class from 1967!

This was the first time the brand new undergraduate chapter had experienced the alumni in full force and as their latest issue of Kappa Signal points out they were duly impressed by the fellowship and the display that Kappa Sigma is not for a college term only... but for life!     

Friday Kicks off the Fun

The weekend kicked off Friday morning,  with the Fricker Cup MMXXII featuring a new team concept that brought more excitement and drama to the beloved annual golf tournament. The Red Team captained by Brad Flinders IC '86 prevailed over the White Team captained by John Henry IC '85 in a match decided by only 5 holes! Winning the trophy for the second time on the same course was the team of Scott Rich '89 and Tim Ruppelli '87 who won 5 years ago at the 50th anniversary.   Details and photos are found on a separate post below.  

Friday evening featured a private reception for the Hall of Fame inductees and members, 1967 Theta-Upsilon Chapter Founding members,  KSTUAA board members, TUHC board members, AEKDB LLC  and members of the Chapter's Executive Committee at Sorriso Osteria & Bar followed by a All-Alumni private event at the left Field Tavern at 7:00 PM. 
The celebrations continued deep into the night at various establishments uptown. 

Saturday Adds Meaningful Recognition

Saturday's events began with the KSTUAA Brunch at Marcum Center and the Hall of Fame induction of Brothers Alan Higgins, Initiation Class 1967 (Founder); James Lewis, Initiation Class 1974; and David Ciochetty, Initiation Class 1978. Detailed bios can be found on the HOF Page on the website.  

KSTUAA President, Clay Hunt IC '90 welcomed the 90+ guests in attendance. Members of the Chapter provided the blessing and Chapter Updates before introducing Brother Rick Sippola IC '85 to emcee the HOF inductions.  

Outside in the hallway Kappa Sigma memorabilia was on display. 

Moving Chapter Ceremony

Following the brunch, most of the the alumni attended a Chapter meeting in an adjoining room for a moving Celestial Service and Model initiation.  The Chapter's Executive Committee, led by Grand Master Emmett Jones IC '17 opened the meeting in Bologna's Form. 

The Celestial Service included reading the names of 17 Brothers that have joined the Chapter Celestial since the 50th Reunion. KSTUAA Vice-President, Mark Rowland '83 read the names of those initiates from the 1960's, 70's 80's, 90s and even 2013 as well as mentioning their service to the Chapter and Fraternity. This short ceremony remains a moving tribute and appreciated by all in attendance.

The Model Initiation featured Brother Rick Sippola IC '85 as the initiated and his son, Quinn Sippola IC '17 as the conductor in a reversal of the installation ceremony on February 26, 2017 where Quinn was honored as the first initiate of the rechartered Theta-Upsilon Chapter for his key role in starting the interest group and serving as the Grand Master of the the Colony.

The initiation also featured the Grand Master of Ceremonies, Brother Jacob Higgins IC '17 performing the ceremony entirely from memory and thereby earning his second Ritual Proficiency award.  The other officers participating in the meeting/initiation included Fernando Romero IC '17, Grand Procurator; David Weygandt IC '17, Grand Treasurer; Gabe Johnson IC '17, Grand Scribe.             

While weather forecast all week had shown severe weather as a significant risk, the afternoon weather could not have been more perfect for the outdoor catered event.   Alumni and undergraduates played cornhole and Euchre, with many Alumni introducing the card game to many of the undergraduates for the first time!  

Another highlight of the event was the two kegs brought by Frazer Donaldson IC '88 the owner of Elmhurst Brewing Company in Chicago, Il featuring some of his award winning products! Julius Squeezer Hazy IPA & Helles Lager were great compliments to the BBQ set by the caterer and the talk of the evening. Wine donated by KSTUAA Board Member, Mike McNally IC '86 was available as well as a full bar. (Operated by the caterer to comply with State laws and Kappa Sigma event regulations.)   

Music requested in the registration reminding alumni of Kappa Sigma and college played as a playlist in the background. Colorful banners designed 
Brother Chad Zimmerman IC '91 hung on the pipe stanchions that created a secure border for our guests. 

A huge Thank You to everyone that made this event possible! 

A huge Thank you goes out to the KSTUAA 55th Anniversary Planning  Team, chaired this year by Shawn Isham IC '92.  The committee began planning work more than a year before the event!  Other members on the committee included Brothers Jim Lewis IC '74, Brad Mikes IC '81, Wes Bren IC '85,and Andy Zuchowski IC '94. A shout out to Shawn's wife Lisa for her help and to Matt Dixon IC '94 for his assistance.

Thanks also to the KSTUAA Board Members that assisted in preparations and on the day of the event. The planning Committee was also helped by the Miami University Alumni Association and especially by Mark D. Macechko, Senior Director, Alumni Relations who had also helped us with the 50th Anniversary. 

Additional photos are available on Social Media. Please see our Facebook Group.


KSTUAA Annual Meeting & Elections

The KSTUAA Board convened its Annual meeting Sunday, June 26 via Zoom and held elections and conducted new business.

Elections of KSTUAA Board Members
The following alumni were elected to the KSTUAA Board for a two-year term expiring June 2024:
  • Craig Stichtenoth IC ’72
  • Brad Mikes IC ’82
  • Wes Bren IC ’85
  • Chris Elder IC ’85
  • Mike McNally IC ’86
  • Shawn Isham IC ’92
Brother William Beringer IC ’89 was elected  to the KSTUAA Board filling an unexpired term expiring June 2023.

Elections of Officers 
The following alumni were re-elected to a one-year term expiring June 2023
  • President: Clay Hunt IC ’90
  • Vice President: Mark Rowland IC ’83
  • Secretary: Craig Stichtenoth IC ’72
  • Treasurer: James Lewis IC ’74
New Business
The KSTUAA Board adopted the following calendar proposed by the Event and Communications Committee. Alumni are encouraged to participate in these events as they are able. 
  • October 8, 2022 - Homecoming Weekend – co-sponsor an open house with the Chapter. 
  • December 2022 – College Football pool (no entry fee)
  • February 12 – Super Bowl Squares split the pot contest
  • March 3-5 Promote Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving: Goal exceed $5600
  • March 12 – Cossa Challenge/NCAA Bracket split the pot contest
  • March 31/April 1 – Local Charter Day celebrations across the country
  • June 10, 2023 – Miami Alumni Weekend Open House 
  • ***the next Fricker Cup will be announced later and scheduled in the 2023 calendar year.
And to adopt the following communication objectives:
  • Publish the Fricker Flash each month with coinciding articles on
  • Submit The Caduceus articles 
  • Forward the Chapter’s Kappa Signal with the Fricker Flash or as a separate email 
Other Announcements and reports
It was announced that Brother David Walker IC '88 has agreed to join the KSTUAA Chapter Advisory Council.

It was also announced that the Board of the Theta Upsilon Housing Company has changed and now includes brothers:   Chris Ferritto IC '91, President; John Schoger IC '87, Vice-President; Matthew Smith IC'87, Secretary; Jim Lewis IC '74, Treasurer; Mike Behrens IC '90; Matthew Cohen IC ‘98.  The TUHC Board is meeting regualrly over the summer as the seek to ready the house for occupancy in August.

KSTUAA Treasurer reported that Fiscal 2022 Deposits equaled $61,731.80 (primary from 55th Event registration fees and donations to the CAC Chapter House Refurbishment fund) and Disbursements of $39,024.50 (primarily for the 55th Event.) Additional details can be requested by emailing the KSTUAA Treasurer.   

The next Annual Meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2023 in Oxford, Ohio during Miami's Alumni Weekend.

Bren second to serve as DGM


Brother Wesley C. Bren IC '85 was appointed District Grand Master for Southern-Ohio District by the Kappa Sigma Fraternity Supreme Executive Committee on June 1, 2022. 

Bren becomes the second alumnus from Theta-Upsilon Chapter to serve in this role. Brother Michael L. Hayes IC '72 was the first of the chapter's alumni to serve as DGM in Ohio from 1980-1982. 

He also becomes the second Bren to serve as DGM in Ohio, as his father, Brother Donald J. Bren, an alumnus from Gamma-Xi '49 Denison University served as DGM from 1970-1971.

Brother Bren served Theta-Upsilon Chapter as Grand Master and Alumni Relations Chairman as an undergraduate member where he organized the 20th anniversary celebration and published several Kappa Signals.

He served as Assistant District Grand Master, Volunteer Development for Southern Ohio since 2015 helping to plan and deliver training to all volunteers in Ohio and also Great Lakes District Conclaves. He was recognized as Kappa Sigma ADGM of the Year in 2021.  

Bren also served as Alumnus Advisor for the Theta-Upsilon Chapter (2013-2016 & 2020-2022) where he was the driving catalyst for Theta-Upsilon's reinstallation. He also served as the Alumnus Advisor for the Nu-Psi Chapter at the University of Cincinnati (2017-2018) where his his son Andrew was a 2017 founding father at the chapter and served as Grand Procurator. Kappa Sigma runs deep in his family!

Bren is a Jackson Man and a financial donor to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund through SAJ Weekends in March.

He was recognized by the Chapter as the "Brother of the Year" in 1992 for his efforts restarting the an Alumni Association and organizing the 25th Anniversary Celebration.  

In 2011 he became a founding board member of the newly establish KSTUAA (Kappa Sigma, Theta-Upsilon Alumni Association) and has served as its president until 2018. He has served on the Communication and Events Committee as the main author of the Fricker Report, Fricker Flash and other communications, helped with the planning of the 45th, 50th and 55th Anniversary Celebrations and was the co-creator with his little brother, Brad Flinders IC '86 in creating and organizing the annual Fricker Cup golf tournaments. He is currently serving as the Chair of the Chapter Advisory Council, the second standing committee within KSTUAA. He was inducted into the Theta-Upsilon Chapter’s Hall of Fame in 2017.

Bren follows Brother Matthew Charnas, Alpha-Sigma '04 who has served as DGM for 9 years and turns over the Alumnus Advisor responsibilities to Brother Garett Reinhart, Nu-Psi, University of Cincinnati, '17 who served as Grand Master and Grand Treasurer as an undergraduate and served last year as the Assistant Alumnus Advisor - Grand Treasurer for Theta-Upsilon. 

As District Grand Master of Southern-Ohio, Brother Bren will be working with the volunteers and Executive Committees of five chapters: Gamma-Xi (Denison University); Theta-Omicron (Muskingum University); Theta-Upsilon (Miami University); Nu-Psi (University of Cincinnati) and Tau-Mu (Capital University). He is also working with the Alumni of Alpha-Sigma (The Ohio State University) with a dormant chapter.   

Brother Bren graduated from Miami University with a B.F.A. in 1988 and from the University of Cincinnati with an M.B.A. in 1997. Professionally, he works at Oracle as a pre-sales consultant for customer experience and cloud applications. He has lived in Cincinnati with his wife Charlene since 1988 and in addition to Andrew has two married daughters and a redtick coonhound that occasionally accompanies him on Kappa Sigma related calls! 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Fricker Cup MMXXII tees off with new format at the 55th Anniversary

Red and White Team Members pose for group photo after an exciting competition at Hueston Wood Golf Course. The Red Team won by only 5 holes. (Click photo to see larger image)

Friday, April 29, 2022 began as an overcast day in the mid-50s typical of spring in Oxford, Ohio but as the competition of the Fricker Cup warmed up so did the weather resulting in a near perfect afternoon of 70 degrees and a win for the 25 members of the Red Team! 

This year, KSTUAA introduced a new team element (like in the Ryder Cup) to the “Two-Person Best Ball” tournament. While Brothers still picked their partner, the Captains selected the pairings in March to create the 2 vs 2 match play format.  The new format still awarded the pair from the winning team with the best Net Score as the Fricker Cup MMXXII Champions with their names engraved on the Fricker Cup Trophy!  

Winning the trophy for the second time on the same course was the team of Scott Rich '89 and Tim Ruppelli '87 who won 5 years ago at the 50th anniversary. There winning net score was also the best from both teams with a Net Score of 61. (The Score card for all teams is shown below)

This more complicated scoring was made easy with the use of the Golf Genius app, courtesy of the help of a golf pro from the home course of Rule Committee member, Brad Flinders '86. The app captured the raw scores and automatically calculated the net scores and the team scores (1 point for winning a hole, 1/2 point for a tie) and providing an electronic scoreboard throughout. 

In the end the tournament was really close with the Red Team winning by only 5 holes! The team was captained by former Miami Golf Team stud, and two-time Fricker Cup Champion Brad "Gordo" Flinders who had suggested doing a team format after the successful conclusion of the previous 2021 Fricker Cup.  

Red and White shirts were ordered for each team member and embroidered championship towels were awarded to the winning team to complete the effect.

"The towels turned out great," said Rules Committee Chairmen, Wes Bren '85. "I was really hoping the Red Team would win since I only ordered enough for one team!"

Winning the course prizes were:
Longest Drive #14: Troy Dankworth
Closest to the pin #16: Brad Flinders
Longest Putt #18: Bob Dittrich

Additional photos and videos of the event can be found in this Google drive courtesy of undergraduate member, Kyle Zevchik who volunteered his Friday on 12 hour notice to take photos and videos from the course all day.  The KSTUAA Board forward him a Kappa Sigma Store gift certificate in appreciation. 

What's Next?
Brother Bren who organized the first and subsequent seven Fricker Cups and most of its unique traditions like the Fricker curse (only those that win can touch the trophy with their bare hands-which is why the trophy has two white gloves inside the cup) and the Eddie Fricker Switcheroo Card, has announced he was stepping down from being Rules Committee Chairmen.  

White Team Captain, John "Slug" Henry '85 has volunteered to lead the Fricker Cup Rules Committee and organize the 2023 event.   Other Rules Committee Members include former Fricker Cup winners: Brad Flinders, Brian Harding '86, and Ed Kessler '87. Other alumni interested in helping are encouraged to contact one of these members.  Updates will still be communicated to all alumni through KSTUAA communications.

Brothers/Teams Participating:

Bold indicates former winners of the Fricker Cup. ** indicates a two time champions of the Fricker Cup 
Italics indicates a alumnus filling in for a player unable to make the tournament.
Chris Ferritto & Chad D Gibson (Red) vs Bob Dittrich & Shawn Isham (White)
Dan Wehrman & Brad Storts (Red) vs Keith Zurawski & Jeff Bieber (White)

David Say & Tim Storer (Red) vs Rick Sippola & Lou Antonelli (White)

Scott Rich** & Tim Ruppelli** 
(Red) vs Jim McGonagle & Joe Turner (White)

Ed Kessler
&  Michael Lunt (Red) vs Mark Loisel & Nathan Varnum (White)

Brad Flinders** & Brian Harding
  (Red) vs Dave Bouve & Brett Howell (White)

James Rimmel & Wes Bren** (Red) vs Jeff Meek & Michael Schoedinger (White)

Tom Wenning (67 Founder) & Steve Middleton (67 Founder) (Red) vs James Puccio & Terry Maggard (White)

Mark Downey & Dave Buckley (Red) vs Bill Beringer & John Henry (White)

Patrick Reedy & Chad Hague (Red) vs Frazer Donaldson & Chris Seiple (White)

Erik Seeney & Mark Wiltrakis (Red) vs Troy Dankworth & Brian McDowell (White)

Brian Olah & Steve Wolgemuth (Red) vs Tom Clarke & Colin Donovan (White)

Clay Hunt (Red) vs Matthew Smith & Brett Binkley (White)

Also playing at Hueston Woods but not in the tournament:

Martin McCarthy & Scott Richardson 

Dave Mirolli & Peter Kanistros & our newest alumnus Hunter Arthurs who graduated in December 2021!

Scores from the Fricker Cup MMXXII


Friday, June 3, 2022

Thank you to all our 2022 Donors!

Thank you to all the alumni below who have contributed this year to support the legacy of Kappa Sigma at Miami University!

Our most recent Fiscal year (June 1, 2021-May 31, 2022) was a success on so many levels and with so many achievements! 

We saw our colony grow to 59 members and be reinstalled as a chartered chapter on February 26! Then we had 140+ Alumni and guests celebrate the 55th anniversary of our original founding on April 1, 1967.

Along the way we asked our alumni to support Theta-Upsilon's philanthropic event in the fall (Worldwide Run & Ride for the Oxford Clinic) helping them raise almost $6000 as the world began to ease out of a global pandemic, Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving which raised $10,835 for our Chapter's Endowment Fund account (12th most in the country) that supports annual scholarships for our members and to support our Chapter refurbishment fund which surpassed our initial goal and raised $34,500+ to help us buy meeting chairs and a couch and chairs for the new 2nd floor lounge in the Shoebox and other improvements over the summer.  This in addition to our normal requests to help support communications and events that bring our alumni together. 

Meanwhile your fellow Alumni on the Theta Upsilon Housing Company worked this spring to secure financing for renovations on the Shoebox and secure zoning use as a Fraternity House for the Shoebox (Stone House will remain zoned for "apartments" for the time being. (long story...) 

But all totaled, over 140 alumni (25 for the first time) donated.  While we recognize that there are things that make this last year exceptional, we hope that we continue to see similar commitment each year to support our chapter and efforts to make Kappa Sigma the pride of Miami University! 

A sincere Thank You, to everyone listed below who donated this fiscal year!     

A list of donors for the current fiscal year is listed on our website. 
** indicates an Alumnus that has also given in previous years

2021-2022 Donors

Founders Club >$5,000
Jim Lewis '74 ** KSTUAA Board, Treasurer, Housing Company Board, HOF 2022
Chrysoloras Club $2,500-$4,999
Wes Bren '85 ** KSTUAA Board, CAC, HOF 2017, ADGM, AA
Chris Elder '85 ** KSTUAA Board
Chris Broome '89 ** CAC
Emerald Club $1,000-$2,499
Doug Buse '68 ** CAC
Rick Gehring '76 **
Dave Ciochetty '78 ** HOF 2022
Charlie Wonderlic '83 ** HOF 2017
Mike White '84 **
Rick Sippola '85 ** HOF 2000
Michael Schoedinger '86 ** HOF 2000
Jason Rammes '88 ** CAC 
Clay Hunt '90 ** KSTUAA Board, President
Dr. Drew Osborn '91
Ruby Club $500-$999
George Duffield '67
Alan Higgins '67 ** HOF 2022
Patrick O'Brien '82 ** HOF 2000
Dr. James Puccio '82 **CAC
David Mirolli '83 **
Chris Seiple '88
Andrew Zuchowski "94 ** KSTUAA Baord
Diamond Club $250-$499
Steve Conn '67 **
Tom Wenning '67 ** HOF 2017
Keith Zurawski '81 **
Ed Bennett '85 **
John Henry '85 **
Rob Miller '86 **
Scott Richardson '86
David Buckley '87 **
Timothy Dawson '87 **
James Rimmel '87 **
Patrick Surdy '91 **
Tom Clarke '92 **
Colin Donovan '92 **
Chris Veneklasen '92 **
Jamie Schisler '93
Star and Crescent Club $100-$249
Robert Coons '67 **
Gary Olmon '69
Craig Stichtenoth '72 ** KSTUAA Board, Secretary
Mark Cross '74 **
Mark Morgan '79 **
Jay Cavender '80 ** CAC, AAA-GS
Scott Hamilton '81 **
Terry Maggard '82
Brad Mikes '82 ** KSTUAA Board
Troy Miller '83 **
Mark Rowland '83 ** KSTUAA Board, Vice President
David Chambers '84
Geoffrey Aurini '85 **
Chris Scocos '85 **
Dave Bouve '86 **
Matt Garvic '86 **
Craig Izzo '86 ** CAC
Mike McNally '86 **KSTUAA Board
Larry Rosinski '86 **
Brett Binkley '87 **
Mark Heppner '87 **
Mark Loisel '87 **
Jeff Meek '87 **
Nathan Varnum '87 **
Joseph Bial '88
Frazer Donaldson '88 **
Mark Downey '88 **
John McCarley '88 **
David Walker '88 **
Bill  Beringer '89 **
Jeffrey Bieber '89 **
Chad Hague '89 **
Aaron Ort '89 **
Timothy Storer '90 **
Jonathan Frankmann '91
Aaron Hartung '91 **
James Regruth '91
Brian Olah '91 ** 
Mark Sullivan '91
Robert Dittrich '92 **
Shawn Isham '92 ** KSTUAA Board
John DeRose '93 **
Charles Perry '93
Matthew Dixon '94 **
Yulee Newsome '97 HOF 2017 

Caduceus Club $26-99
Chuck Hess '67
Dave Vuicich '72 **
John Wilson '75
Richard Kramer '79 **
Kevin Libert '79 **
Tim Corman '80 **
Dave Mort '80
Randall Shoker '80 **
Lou Antonelli '81 ** HOF 2012
Stephen Wihelm '81
Mark Householder '82 ** KSTUAA Board
Peter Kanistros '83 **
Troy Davis '85
Brad Flinders '86 **
Brian Harding '86 **
Brett Howell '86 **
Martin McCarthy '86
Ed Kessler '87 **
Michael Lunt '87 **
James McGonagle '87 **
John Schoger '87 ** Housing Company Board (Vice-President)
Matthew Smith '87 **
Joseph Turner '87 **
Michael Behrens '89 **
Patrick Reedy '89 ** HOF 2017
Scott Rich '89 **
David Say '90 **
Erik Seeney '90 **
Dan Wehrman '90 **
Chris Ferritto '91** Housing Company Board (President)
Tyge Fourtner '91
Daniel Ledman '91
Avani Kanubaddi '91 **
Alexander Mason '91 **
Brian McDowell '91 **
Chad Zimmerman '91
Christian Essman '92 **
Chad Gibson '92 Housing Company Board
Drew Mantel '92
Mark Storts '92 **
Steven Wolgemuth '92 **
Troy Dankworth '94
Association Member (Dues) 
Steve Middleton '67 ** HOF 2000
Rich Relyea '67 **
Dave Bradley '68
Chuck Belser '72
Don Welsh '72 **
John Jahoda '73 **
Jonathan McKnight '77 **
Rob Pollock '78
Rob Solt '78 **
Bob Taylor '79 ** HOF 2000
Ed Bash '81 **
David Brinkman '81 ** CAC, HOF 2017, ADGM
Christopher Connolly '81
Timothy Solt '81 **
Trey Smith '85 **
Tim Ruppelli '87
Brad Storts '89 **
Mark Wiltrakis '90 **

Other Donations
Please note: To encourage giving more broadly to help our Chapter, donations to the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, The Endowment Fund, the Jackson's Men program and to the Theta-Upsilon Chapter's philanthropy efforts (A Greater Cause and Military Heroes), and donations to the Cliff Browne Memorial Brotherhood Scholarship will be recognized by KSTUAA in donor totals each year. If you are current on KSTUAA annual dues, please contact the KSTUAA Treasurer about recognizing these additional efforts to support Kappa Sigma.

Jackson's Men Donors
The Jackson's Men Program of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity is the Endowment Fund’s most popular and innovative giving recognition program. Half of all donations received to this program go to your chapter scholarship fund the remainder funds the work of the Fraternity.  For more information see: