Alumni Update Email

The Fricker Report (Newsletters Archive)

KSTUAA seeks to publish and mail at least one newsletter (The Fricker Report) each year.  To reduce the expenses (about $1400 each issue), KSTUAA typically prints an abridged version and posts a full version here as well as providing the link to these PDFs email and social media. If funding (through dues) is available we will print and mail a Fricker Report once a year.

Unabridged Fricker Reports are available below.

We also attempt to send out an e-newsletter called the Fricker Flash 
monthly.  Our current list includes 675 email addresses. If you are not seeing these please check your spam/junk mail folder and mark us safe.  A recent archive of these can be found online hereYou can subscribe to the mailing list on this page too.   

Fricker Report archives 
Click on the issue to see a PDF of each issue

Fricker Report - February 2024 - Vol 1 #12 <-- New
A 24 page full color online issue. Our cover story celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Fricker Report by taking a look back and forward to our future as an Alumni Association. Other highlights include
articles about our role in the new chapter at Ohio University, Brother Anderson's Veterans Day speech and Brother Lewis' report on the 74th  Grand Conclave. 7 plus pages of Alumni updates,  another fine "Beer with a Brother" column, a letter from the Clay Hunt, KSTUAA President and an interesting story about the role the game of Bridge played in the lives of some of our members.  

Fricker Report - February 2023 - Vol 1 #11 
A 24 page full color online issue includes a cover story about all the great achievements witnessed in 2022! Also featured ar
e articles on the Lil Sis program, Brother Turner's awarding winning directorial debut, several firsts of members working for Kappa Sigma, an update from the Housing Company and 2 pages of chapter news.  10 pages of Alumni updates and another fine "Beer with a Brother" column, a letter from the Clay Hunt, KSTUAA President, an article by the Brother Jones the outgoing Grand Master!    

Fricker Report - January 2022 - Vol 1 #10 
An 18 page full color online issue includes a cover story about our 55th Anniversary Reunion April 29-30! Also featured are articles on our Colony which has just been granted permission to Charter on February 26, Brother Hess' unique high flying hobby and profiles of some of our Brothers that have served in the Military! Of course we have Alumni updates and another fine "Beer with a Brother" column.  Be sure to read Clay Hunt, KSTUAA President's column on  page 16 and page 4-5 and 10 on ways you can help us with the new Chapter. WE ARE COMING BACK in 2022!   

Fricker Report - February 2021 - Vol 1 #9 
A 25 page full color online issue includes a cover story about the young men that started Kappa Sigma at Miami in the 60's. Also a feature on bourbon including our own centerfold photo of Brother Tom Collins Jr. and recommendations of other alumni.  A feature story on Brother Tim Collins and his work as St. Nicholas. Of course we have Alumni updates ranging from 1967-2014 and links to 13 others you might have missed! We have u
pdates to our Chapter Celestial. Another fine "Beer with a Brother" column and note from the District Grand Master and the KSTUAA president. HOF nominations are open and a calendar of events. Special Thanks to Brother Tom Queen that helped with editing chores. (A 16 page printed version was mailed to 1015 addresses)

Fricker Report - February 2020 - Vol 1 #8
A 20 page issue including a cover story featuring the Amazing work performed to the Stone House by the Theta-Upsilon Housing Company  (TUHC) followed by an article highlighting the important contribution from 4 Brothers within AEKDB to support the TUHC. We have alumni updates including a feature on a Brother with an Amusing Passion! We have some exciting updates on the recolonization effort and an update to our Chapter Celestial. Another fine "Beer with a Brother" column and more photos and updates about our alumni getting together! And as an added bonus, Brother Brinkman's report about the 150th Anniversary of Kappa Sigma Celebration and Grand Conclave is available at an attachment (Click here). Special Thanks to Brother Tom Queen that helped with editing chores.  (12 page printed version mailed to 1027 addresses)

Fricker Report - March 2019 - Vol 1 #7 
A 14 page issue including a cover story featuring four fantastic venues run by our alumni that you should visit! Updates on the recolonization effort, Miami Greek Life policy changes and our Chapter Celestial. Another fine "Beer with a Brother" column and more alumni updates!

Fricker Report - February 2018 - Vol 1 #6 

A PDF only 18 page issue including a cover story on the momentous 50th Anniversary Celebration, Celestial Updates, A New Memorial Fund, An article about Crossroad's renovation of the Shoe Box, Alumni Bios/Updates, a new Feature called "Beer with a Brother" a Fricker Cup update, An editorial by the KSTUAA President and almost 50 photos! Our Biggest issue to date! Printed edition mailed to Founders.

Fricker Report - February 2017 - Vol 1 #5 
Includes details and registration information for the 50th Anniversary Celebration  (4 page printed version mailed to 1034 addresses)

PDF version includes 11 pages of updates on the chapter (Charter appeal was granted. Alumni Initiate Pledge Class. Recent Alumnus shares thoughts on Alumni engagement with the chapter.  Great vintage Photos!  Nate reflects on Brotherhood. More Photos. A KSTUAA Update. Photos and results from 2015 Fricker Cup in Chicago. Kick-ass issue by the communications team!! (4 page printed version mailed to 1016 addresses)
A PDF only , 11 page issue including dates for all upcoming alumni events through the 50th anniversary. Update on 2015 Alumni Weekend an Boards observation on a tour of Miami University's recent construction. Three and a half pages of Alumni updates, updates of recent graduates.  Article about the Big Brother/Little Brother Family Tree project. More Vintage photos that you have to see! A letter form the Grand Master (the undergraduates speak!!!). Cossa Challenge results and a letter from KSTUAA President entitled "This is why we created KSTUAA" on the eve of the hazing allegations.
A PDF only , 7 page issue including an invitation and information about Homecoming Tailgate; the First Annual Fricker Cup and the winners Brothers Brad Flinders and Keith Zurawski; Improvements made to the house by the Housing Company and KSTUAA; Update on our first Alumni Weekend Open House with 30 Alumni in attendance! Updates on our social media sites, donors; An Alumni update; a chapter update with photos.
"Theta-Upsilon Alumni News" is rebraded as the "Fricker Report", the four page issue included details of upcoming Alumni Weekend Open House and the inaugural Fricker Cup events; a full page update on the new AA/AAA team and the restart of executive committee transition retreats; an article documenting the assistance provided by the Gamma-Xi Chapter Alumni with the matching gift; the KSTUAA introducing our dues and donation program; requests of the Housing Company for additional board members.
A short 3 page PDF issue with chapter house improvement updates including photos of the new doors installed featuring the names of the 12 Gates of Bologna. A Chapter update on Rush and a probation. AA/AAA team changes.
A six page issue highlighting everything that went on at the 45th with nice pictures and details. Issue was mailed to all our alumni.
A small 2 page issue providing updates on the alumni and undergraduate interaction that was beginning for the first time in more than a decade!

Article ideas, Alumni news, comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome. We are looking for additional volunteers on the KSTUAA Communications Team that will help us produce future issues. Please email the "Fricker Report Editor" at the KSTUAA email address above.

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