Alumni Update Email

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Getting the House Ready for Use!

We have a Colony of 44 members and expect to exceed 60 after Rush (last week of January 2022.)

To make sure the colony has a great rush, the KSTUAA Chapter Advisory Council and the Colony members want to use the Shoe Box for Rush

While the first and second floor are in good condition owing to our agreement with Crossroads... There is a small problem, they took all the furnishings with them leaving...    

By empty, we mean there is no furniture, furnishings or signage. 

In anticipation of this need the KSTUAA Board approved the following motion on October 24, 2021:

“Moved that as the Theta-Upsilon Colony and Chapter will benefit by having access to the Chapter House properties which are void of any furnishings, the KSTUAA Board instructs the CAC to raise additional donations for the Chapter Advisory Council Fund specifically for the purpose of purchasing new signage, meeting room chairs, tables, common room furniture, lighting, outdoor furniture, security and other items the CAC deems necessary to promote recruitment and support healthy Chapter operations through all of 2021 and 2022

The CAC (Chapter Advisory Council) had been doing some initial research on different needs throughout the fall and has broken the effort into 3 phases/groups of priorities, ordering the efforts based on urgency and need. 

What we are attempting to do

Phase 1 is to ready the house for Rush in January, purchasing signage for the house (removed by Crossroads), buying cafe tables and chairs for the basement and install some furniture in the 2nd floor seating area (please note that Stone house was converted into a 2 unit apartment and can no longer function as it did before as the Chapter's nice parlor & living room space.)

Phase 2 seeks to make the space usable for Chapter and committee meetings and add security.

Phase 3 seeks to enhance the facility around the the end of Summer by adding an Executive Board Room/Trophy Room/Alumni Library and provide a start on outdoor furniture.

Photos of the concepts and additional details can be found in the presentation posted here.

We need more alumni to chip in 

We estimated we would need $30,000+ to get going on the first two phases and if lucky pay for some of the third. To jump start the effort we sought out a few alumni to make the first commitments and they came through with $16,000!  Now are asking all our alumni to double or triple that amount. 

Your donations of $50, $100, $250 or more will add up quickly and keep the progress moving forward. 

If you have expertise, resources or connections we could be utilizing, contact Brother Bren through the KSTUAA@gmail email address.

A list of the alumni that have contributed to these projects or in other ways during the current year can be found by accessing the Donors page link on the right.

Donations can be made by: Checks can be made out to KSTUAA, memo line should read "Chapter House Projects" and mailed to: James Lewis at:

or  you can use PayPal...
KSTUAA Board and CAC would like to thank the following Brothers who have contributed the initial amount so we can get started:

Jim Lewis IC 74 – KSTUAA Treasurer
Dave Ciochetty IC 78
Charles Wonderlic IC 83 – HOF 2017
Mike White IC 84
Chris Elder IC 85 – KSTUAA Board
Rick Sippola IC 85 – HOF 2000
Jay Rammes IC 88
Chris Broome IC 89 – KSTUAA CAC

The Theta Upsilon Housing Company is also currently seeking a loan to make needed renovations to secure the Fraternity classification and allow for about 12 guys to live in the Shoe Box. The Housing Company is focused on securing the permits, and renovating the bathrooms and making other changes required by the City of Oxford to house students. We’ve secured commitment from students to live in the Chapter house starting the Fall of 2022. 

Direct your questions and request for more information to our KSTUAA email address above.

Other Giving Opportunities (it is the season)

There is no shortage of needs or opportunities to fund the success of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter, our Alumni Association or the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. (We are not begging for YOUR money... we are simply publicizing information for those that want to contribute.)  

Alumni interested in making a tax-deductible contribution are encouraged to support our Chapter's Scholarship Endowment fund through Kappa Sigma.  There are two dates to be aware of:

1. December 10 each year is the Kappa Sigma FIVE Campaign where Kappa Sigma hopes to secure 5 new Jackson Men from each Chapter.  Theta-Upsilon currently has 8 Jackson Men. See the list on our donors page and know that KSTUAA will recognize you on the donors page. The campaign starts this year and more information can be found here

2. March 4 - Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving Campaign.  100% of the donations from that weekend fund our Chapter's Scholarship Fund (CSF). 

In addition, KSTUAA Board requests that each alumnus contribute $25 Annual dues so we can print and mail an annual newsletter in an attempt to keep our Alumni connected... for life

KSTUAA also receives donations for our memorial fund which enables us to send flowers to the family of a Brother that has joined the Chapter Celestial.

Brother Chris Ferritto also has created a Brotherhood Scholarship  in the name of Brother Cliff Browne. 

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