Alumni Update Email

Friday, February 10, 2017

Registration is Open!!

Dear Brother,

When was the last time you saw {insert your brother’s name here}?

5 Years ago? 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Not since you graduated?

We hope you are making plans to come to the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter in Oxford on April 28-29, 2017 because this once every 5 year weekend is really an opportunity to make it easy for you to reconnect with the friends and brothers you haven’t seen in years!

We all know how it is.

We all have responsibilities at home, as husbands, fathers and grandfathers. We have careers and civic or religious commitments, and money is always tight. But when else will you get an opportunity to reconnect to the men that come to mind when you think of Kappa Sigma?

We have spent 100’s of hours in planning this event to add to your experience and make it worth the trip!

  • If you haven’t experienced the Kappa Sigma Ritual since graduation… We have a Model Ceremony, Initiation and Explanatory Lecture scheduled!
  • If you haven’t been on Miami’s Campus for a while… We have tours scheduled so you can see and learn how much has changed!
  • If you want to see some photos from college days that will bring back great memories… We have reserved a “Memorabilia” room for guys to share photos, scrapbooks and mementos etc.
  • If you are curious about the state of the Greek System… We have the Director of Miami Greek Life speaking and answering your questions!
  • If you are curious about the state of Kappa Sigma… We have the Executive Director of Kappa Sigma himself, Mic Wilson with us, speaking and answering your questions!
  • If you are curious about the state of the chapter and its future… We have sessions that will bring you up on the situation, challenges and any future plans.
  • If you want to have a toasted roll, a gyro from Skippers or a bagel form the Bagel Shop… there is plenty of time to do that!
  • If you know someone being inducted into the Hall of Fame and want to support them… Make sure you sign up for the banquet
  • If you think we should donate something to Miami… We are donating funds and will have an ornamental tree and commemorative plaque installed.
  • If you want to bring your wife or invite a Lil Sis alumnae… Invite them to the lunch or banquet. They can participate in any of the events except the ritual meeting.
  • If you want to throw back some beers… Well there will be time to visit your old favorite joints with brothers!
  • If you want to play some golf… grab a partner and compete for the legendary Fricker Cup!!
Seriously, this weekend is packed!!!  You don’t need to do everything or any of this.  In the end it is a family reunion. In the end it is about providing you a chance to overcome the excuses and reach out to a friend and brother you haven’t seen in years and say “I’d really like to see you again and catch up. Let’s go to Oxford!!”

So please Plan it and book it now.  Let's take a little time to come to Oxford where you started these lifelong friendships and brotherhood and celebrate what Kappa Sigma and our brothers have brought to our lives!

Brad Mikes
Initiation Class 1982
50th Anniversary Event Chairmen
KSTUAA, VP Communications
Wes Bren
Initiation Class 1985

KSTUAA, President

50th Anniversary Event Committee    

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