Alumni Update Email

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Kappa Sigma SEC votes to end the Trusteeship at Theta-Upsilon

The Theta-Upsilon Chapter that was installed on April 1, 1967 has been closed after the Supreme Executive Committee voted unanimously on May 8, 2016 to end the Trusteeship upon the recommendation of the Trustee, Brother Will Lynch.  Brother Lynch had been assigned as the Chapter’s Trustee in November when the chapter succeeded in its appeal to regain the Charter after it was withdrawn during a Show Cause hearing at the Grand Conclave in July resulting from Membership Review in April 2015 investigating hazing rumors and Code of Conduct violations. The Membership Review resulted in expulsion of many members, the chapter being temporarily closed and losing IFC and Miami recognition.  (For more details about the events that led up to the appeal see the latest issue of the Fricker Report)

The purpose of the Trusteeship is to provide the chapter a probationary period to establish operations consistent with SEC expectations including high levels of service hours and ritual proficiency and to update organization documents, policies and practices. During the period is chapter is on a social probation and is also expected to recruit new members.  However, the chapter of 30 members was prohibited from recruiting because Miami prohibits any group that isn’t recognized by IFC from participating in Greek Life or pledging new members. 

The chapter’s leaders put together a proposal to regain official recognition by IFC and Miami but was not invited to present until April 14, just a three weeks before the semester ended making it impossible to recruit pledge and initiate any new members . The timing of the meeting also came after bad publicity about Miami’s Greek System had gone public (see article:  )  and after Miami made a dramatic and unprecedented requirement for all Greek organizations to initiate their pledges within 4 days of the notification. The Kappa Sigma Chapter had not participated in the formal recruitment but had been interacting with potential recruits throughout the semester hoping to receive IFC recognition and move through an pledge program quickly.  

The IFC President had privately indicated to the GM and GP that he thought that Kappa Sigma would be approved. The chapter’s GM and GP reportedly made a strong presentation, however the IFC voting members rejected the proposal. IFC informed the chapter that they could apply for recognition again in six months. The vote had two impacts: it changed the morale of the chapter members and it prompted the DGM and Trustee to hold an investigation into the rumors shared at the IFC meeting.

The chapter members took the news hard and began speaking of quiting, some members citing their belief that “Miami” would not permit them to come back as a chapter.  With a handful of members scheduled to graduate, no newly initiated class, a couple members transferring and additional members indicating that they wanted to disassociate, Alumnus Advisor Brother Bren was unable to get a minimum 10-12 members to continue with the Trusteeship. The Trustee in consultation with the DGM determined that the Trusteeship should end given the lack of commitment.  The SEC voted on the recommendation pulling the charter.  Members in good standing have been moved to alumni status. The official communication stated…

As a result of this decision by the Supreme Executive Committee, the Theta-Upsilon Chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity is now closed.  The undergraduate chapter should cease and desist from any further operations in any form or fashion.  Any attempt by any member of the former undergraduate chapter to operate in an underground or sub rosa fashion, will result in those individuals being suspended or expelled, and those individuals could also face legal action from the Fraternity.  The Brothers of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter are to cooperate in closing the Chapter in an orderly fashion.  The Theta-Upsilon Chapter will have 30 days from the date of this letter of notice to appeal this decision by the Supreme Executive Committee.  Should the undergraduate chapter fail to submit an appeal or if an appeal is not successful, the Fraternity will begin discussions with Miami University to propose a recolonization effort after all current undergraduate members have either graduated from the University or have left the institution.  We will ask for a maximum absence of three years.  If you plan to submit an appeal to the Supreme Executive Committee, you must do so in writing in 30 days  from the date of this letter of notice.

We regret that this action is necessary, but the Supreme Executive Committee believes that this is in the best interest of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity and Miami University.  We also believe that it will be in the best interest for a future Theta-Upsilon Chapter.

Will the chapter be restarted like other chapters have in the state?  Time will tell. Members of the SEC have previously expressed interest in seeing a chapter restarted at Miami University but are aware of the current situation in Miami’s Greek System (see that make it a challenging environment. Ultimately, restarts require the assistance of alumni and most importantly recruitment of a group of students interested in living to the ideals of the Star and Crescent.

Members of the KSTUAA Board will meet and discuss the situation at the Annual Meeting June 11, 2016 and will make a recommendation about the future direction to assist the Theta-Upsilon Housing Company in its planning. Updates will be shared in Social Media and through email.

Comments and discussion are encouraged in the Facebook and Linkedin Group pages.