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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Theta-Upsilon Chapter History: Parts VII & VIII

VII. 1990’s: Theta-Upsilon Recognized as “The Good Guys”

The 1990’s were a great decade for the chapter. Theta-Upsilon was recognized as the most successful and respected fraternity at Miami by students, faculty and others in the Greek system.  The chapter was supplying leaders to IFC and other Student Organizations as never before. Grand Master Mike Short ’92 served as IFC President in 1994, Grand Master Ralph Scott ’94 served as IFC VP Community Relations in 1996 and Mike Menyhart ’94 served as IFC VP of Rush in 1996 to highlight just a few.

The chapter routinely initiated 30 or more new members each year. The house was at full occupancy of 48 brothers and averaged 90-110 members.

The chapter won numerous National awards including five FACE (Founders Award of Chapter Excellence) awards and 4 Silver Bowls for outstanding academic achievement.  Chapter officers and members memorized the ritual and achieved ritual certifications. 

The chapter was featured on a
Caduceus cover for a second time,
this time as a model for all Kappa
Sigma chapters
Alumni Relations continued to improve for a period as the chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary. Members of the Supreme Executive Committee were present as well as other special guests like Kappa Sigma Historian, William Wickham (Denison University) that had been present at the installation in 1967. 

Philanthropy and service flourished in the 90’s. The chapter raised thousands of dollars for charities and got personally involved in many projects to help the community.  The chapter was highlighted on the Spring 1994 cover of The Caduceus under the title “The Good Guys”. The article written by Executive Director, Mitchell Wilson highlighted the work of Theta-Upsilon in building a playground at a nursery school, collecting toys and clothing for underprivileged children in Oxford, organizing a holiday concert at a local Nursing Home and other services benefitting the community.

Wilson wrote: It is college fraternities and sororities that really provide the true goodwill for college campuses and communities through North America. These fraternity members are truly “the good guys” in our society today.”

VIII. 2000’s: Reckless and Illegal Behaviors Almost End Theta-Upsilon

The popularity of the chapter continued as the new century started. Members were still involved in leadership positions on campus and in IFC. Some members were playing varsity sports and the chapter was continuing to excel in many ways but there were signs that trouble was brewing. More damage and actual vandalism by fraternity members was taking place within the facility for the first time.  Brothers no longer updated their rooms with lofts and other elements to out-do each other to have the “coolest” room. 

It was at this time that support from advisors also waned. Dr. Perry who had served as the Faculty Advisor for more than a decade resigned to handle the increasing demands of his new role as Associate Dean and a replacement had not been established.  Lou Antonelli who had guided the Housing Company for over two decades had to relocate further away from the chapter impacting his ability to visit and maintain relationships with the chapter leaders. The Alumni Association disintegrated after Wes Bren passed the role on to a new president. Kappa Sigma National’s advisors were also being transitioned and were not spending enough time with chapter leaders to establish productive relationships.

Meanwhile, Miami, which had been proud of its reputation as “the Mother of Fraternities” hired new leadership in Student Affairs who sought to curtail the increases in substance abuse on campus and other problems they believed existed in fraternities.  

While members of the Theta-Upsilon chapter have always enjoyed an energetic social life, reckless disregard for state laws and university and fraternity rules almost ended the chapter in 2006. This resulted in a disciplinary probation through March 2007. In 2008, the Theta-Upsilon chapter was again found responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct for damage caused at a resort in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. 

Miami’s authorities suspended the chapter from Miami University in the fall of 2008 and placed the chapter on Disciplinary Probation for 3 years ending in May of 2011 and preventing the chapter from hosting, co-hosting, or sponsoring any social events with alcohol for 18 months.

Miami University also requested that the National Organization discipline the chapter for the offenses. Typically for repeat offenses like this Kappa Sigma would revoke the charter, closing the doors and all members would be expelled from the fraternity as was done at Denison and Muskingum Universities. Instead, District Grand Master, Toby Taylor instituted a new process with an in depth membership review that while resulting in the expulsion of 32 Kappa Sigma members from the fraternity kept the chapter continuing.

But as a result, the chapter had lost a third of its membership including many officers and leaders and was prevented by Miami University from housing new members because of the sanctions and a revocation of the "sophomore exemption."  The Shoe Box was closed for lack of available residents and less than 8 members lived in the Stone House for 2009-2010 school year.

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