Alumni Update Email

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

KSTUAA Board Sets Alumni Event Calendar for Upcoming Years

The KSTUAA Board met Dec 14 for one of its six regular meetings and approved the following dates for Alumni events. We hope to see you there!

The Fricker Cup

The second annual Fricker Cup will be held September 12, 2015 (the weekend following Labor Day), at  Makray Golf Club in Chicago. Brother David Buckley Jr. IC‘87 is serving as the local host and has secured the course. Brother Wes Bren is forming an event committee to plan the weekend. Past players and alumni local to Chicago are strongly encouraged to help us plan and make this into a marquee Theta-Upsilon event you don’t want to miss. 
The third annual Fricker Cup to be held September 10, 2016 (the weekend following Labor Day), at  a course to be determined in Northern Ohio.

The fourth annual Fricker Cup to be held April 28-20, 2017 in or near Oxford, Ohio as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration.

The KSTUAA Board decided at the annual meeting to schedule the Fricker Cup in different cities to promote greater participation and involvement. It also recommends that Fricker Cups be open to undergraduate members playing at a student price and that a philanthropic/Chapter development cause suitable for publication in The Caduceus be incorporated into the fee. Details will be worked out with the event committee and the KSTUAA Board.  

Open House during Miami Alumni Weekends (Summer 2015 date set)

KSTUAA Board agreed to form and fund an event committee to begin plans for the Alumni Weekend 2015 in Oxford, Ohio. This year’s weekend is scheduled for the weekend before Father’s Day, June 11-14, 2015.  KSTUAA will host an open house at the chapter house on Saturday afternoon after KSTUAA holds its annual meeting in the morning.  Board member, Brother Mike McNally ’86 is serving as the event chairmen again this year.

Miami has special Milestone events planned for alumni that graduated as the Class of 2005 (10 year reunion) and Class of 1990 (25 year reunion). Typically, alumni with anniversaries on 5 year intervals attend these reunion events.

Please use this occasion to reach out to brothers that graduated with you and make sure they are connected to our social media sites and have an email with us so they can receive updates and the Fricker Report for details.

Miami has posted more information on the links below and created special Facebook pages to help you make connections with Miami Alumni (see below).
and 1970.

The 50th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter of Kappa Sigma

KSTUAA Board approved the motion to form a representative event committee to begin plans for the 50th anniversary celebration of the Theta-Upsilon Chapter’s founding for April 28-30, 2017 in Oxford, Ohio  

While it is too far out to reserve most venues and a schedule of events will not be created until Fall of 2016, the Board wished to make this date public so the chapter and alumni can include this date in your planning. The date was selected to avoid conflicts for those involved in filing taxes earlier in April and to hold the event before exam week preparations.   

KSTUAA will continue the tradition of inducting alumni into the chapter’s Hall of Fame. (See the KSTUAA Blog for past inductees. )  As indicated above, the Fricker Cup will return to Oxford that year and it is likely that we will forgo an Open House at that year’s Miami Alumni Weekend. 

We have emails for about 50% of our alumni and valid mailing addresses for another 25% so we would appreciate your assistance in helping us update out information so that every Alumnus can be invited.