Alumni Update Email

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Two New Annual Traditions: Alumni Weekend & The Fricker Cup

What do you remember of your time at Miami?  

Which of your fraternity brothers come to mind? 

When was the last time you saw them?
While our time in college as undergraduate students had to come to an end, the unique experience of Kappa Sigma does not. Our brotherhood bonds can be rekindled, extended, and even deepened as we take time to reconnect, not just through social media but in person.

KSTUAA is committed to organizing quality events to help our alumni maintain these important friendships and to extend the richness of the Kappa Sigma experience and our legacy at Miami. Quality events like this summers Miami Alumni Weekend experience June 21-22, 2014.

Two New Annual Traditions:  Alumni Weekend & The Fricker Cup
Miami University reportedly puts on a great weekend and we know that members have brought their spouses and families into Oxford to show off Miami and its redbrick splendor.  They drive by old dorms and favorite haunts and notice all the new construction that is going on. (If you haven't been to Oxford in 2 years, you will be surprised!)

Our members then drive by the old fraternity house locations, perhaps stop the car, get out and look in the windows to see what they can. Usually, the facilities are locked up and there isn't much to see and your guests might think you were crazy for living there and wonder why you'd want to come back. 

This year, KSTUAA will hold an open house at 404 E. Withrow from 1:30-3:30 so you can grab something to eat and drink and take a look at the current facility. Perhaps you'll see some alumni you know that are from one of the many 5 year anniversary classes.  You'll be able to speak to the KSTUAA Board and Alumni Advisers on site and catch up on the latest efforts to strengthen the chapter and update the facility.

For the serious and non-serious golfers we are also putting a big effort into creating a golfing tradition worthy of the legend of Eddie Fricker!  The Fricker Cup, held Sunday will creates a opportunity for you to pair up with a fraternity brother of your choosing and battle other 2-man teams in a creative 18-hole tournament to take home the newly minted, highly coveted Fricker Cup!  

The Fricker Cup has the potential to become as legendary as the Eddie himself! Click Here to See the flyer for more details. Get your two-man team together to become part of the legend!